Boost Your Search Engine Rankings,Traffic and Sales With Our "Done For You" Video Marketing Service For Local Businesses.
You Know You Need to Do More Social Media and Video Marketing But Who Has The Time?
YouTube is the 2nd Most Popular Search Engine After Google. If You Do Not Have A Presence in Video Search Your Competition Will!
Google actually owns YouTube. So it is no surprise that Google ranks YouTube videos not only on YouTube but also in Google natural search engine listings.
Below is a screenshot for a search for one of our customers who is in the mold testing business. As you can see when searching for "Best Mold Testing in Rehoboth Beach Maryland" their YouTube video we created for them is ranked right below Yelp and Above the Yellow Pages.
These are two of the highest authority website for local businesses. This is a prominent and permanent listing which even displays the client's phone number so the prospect can call right away.

Above is just for the main Google search. But things get much more interesting when we look at video search results!
With Google Video Search Results virtually all the videos are those of our client! They completely dominate Google video search and YouTube for their keywords.
We have optimized videos around keywords for all their services. If people are looking for home inspection services, water testing services, asbestos testing services in their area their videos dominate Google!

How would you like it if every time anybody searched for your local business all they saw were your videos one after the other?
How Would You Like to Dominate Local Search Listings for Your Business?
Here is another example of one of our customers who runs 3 mental health clinics in Georgia. At the time of writing this we have only been working a few months with this client.
They are already ranked number 1 on YouTube for "Bipolar Disorder Statesboro Georgia." They are even above the Clevland Clinic!

Not Only Will The Videos Themselves Get Found in Google But You Videos Will Help You Rank Your Website "Google Loves Websites With Embedded Videos!"
With our service we will create your own unique professional YouTube channel optimized with your keywords. You can then embed these videos on your website which will help Google rank your website even higher! We can even create a separate blog just for you where we can embed the videos for yet more exposure.
Unlike Traditional Advertising Video Marketing is Permanent. Videos Generally Stay Up For Years Getting More Views and Authority For Your Business
With traditional pay per click advertising such as Google Adwords, you pay, get traffic and hopefully business then the traffic stops when you stop paying. With video marketing you pay for the video once and it stays up practically forever brining you more and more views and potential customers!
As we build your channel you will start to get momentum and your videos will start to get more and more views. Also the longer your channel is consistently posting the more love Google will send your way. The key is consistent, quality content specifically in your niche.
Do You Want to Become An Authority in Your Field or Just Another Advertiser Competing For Your Prospect's Attention
What has more credibility an ad with "Sponsored" next to it or an entire YouTube channel carefully developed and promoted over months with informative videos directly answering your prospect's most compelling questions?
Building a consistent video presence and channel over time is a very effective way of enhancing your online reputation as an authority in your field. Anybody can pay for an ad but truly on somebody committed to long term success takes the time to post quality informative content that solves people's problems.
Are You a Bankruptcy or Personal Injury Lawyer? How Would You Like a Nice Video Like This to Pop Up At The Top of YouTube Every Time Somebody Typed in "Best (Your Town) Bankruptcy Lawyer?
Below if a video we did for a client years ago. His video is ranked #1 for Best Houston Bankruptcy Lawyer in YouTube. He paid once for this video and now gets free leads for years on end! His competition is paying for expensive pay per click advertising. They pay between $100-$500 for a single click! There is no guarantee they even get business. And when they stop paying so does the traffic. With video marketing you pay nothing per click and the traffic is permanent!

Google Adwords Up to $500 Per Click- Video Marketing $0 Per Click! The Choice is Yours!
We put this video up years ago for a client. It has been getting him traffic and clients for years and he is not paying anything to keep this video up! Imagine 100's of videos laser targeted to your niche all over Google and YouTube. You pay ZERO per click. Personal injury attorneys often pay up to $500 per click for traffic like this!
Do Your Customers "Google You?" What Do You Want Them to Find?
Videos from you answering the most frequently asked questions in your niche.
Videos of glowing reviews from clients.
Informative videos showing your expertise dating back months or years giving you credibility than no paid ad can provide
Here Is What We Propose to Do For You:
Here Are Some Video We Have Created For Clients
Mental Health Care Provider
Home Inspection Services
Bankruptcy Attorney
You Know That Video Marketing is Effective But Are You Even Going to Do Everything We Describe Above Consistently?
The answer is no because you are way too busy. That is what smart business owners delegate. Consistency is the key. We will producing videos month after month. Time passes quickly. At the end of a year you will have many videos bringing you permanent traffic from targeted prospects. We save you time and get the job done.
If You Are Neglecting Video Marketing Your Competition Probably is Not
Do you really want to start searching your industry on Google and see that your competition has been putting out videos for months even years?
It is not easy to catch up. Google gives priority to older channels that have been consistently putting out videos over months and yes years.
Do you want your competition to have a year's head start on you? Or do you want your competition to realize that you have been smart and putting out videos monthly for the last year?
The sooner you get started the sooner the traffic starts coming in and building month after month.
Here Are Our Video Marketing Packages:
Bronze Package Includes:
- Creation of Professional YouTube Channel as Described Above
- 2 Professionally Optimized Videos Per Month (1 YouTube video +1 shorts/Instagram style videos)
- Video Promotion on Social Media
- Cost $297. Per Month
Silver Package Includes:
- Creation of Professional YouTube Channel as Described Above
- 5 Professionally Optimized Videos Per Month, (2 YouTube videos +3 shorts/Instagram style videos
- Video Promotion on Social Media
- $597 Per Month
Gold Package:
- Creation of Professional YouTube Channel as Described Above
- 8 Professionally Optimized Videos Per Month (3 YouTube Videos+ 5 Shorts/Instagram Style videos)
- Video Promotion on Social Media
- $797. Per Month

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment
Pros and Cons of Video Marketing
The Pros List
The Cons List
Choose One of The Packages Below To Get Started Call US 954-839-8684 With Any Questions. We Will Contact You By Phone to Confirm Your Order
Bronze Package Includes:
- Creation of Professional YouTube Channel as Described Above
- 2 Professionally Optimized Videos Per Month (1 YouTube Video and 2 shorts/Instagram Style Videos
- Video Promotion on Social Media
- Cost $297. Per Month
Silver Package Includes:
- Creation of Professional YouTube Channel as Described Above
- 5 Professionally Optimized Videos Per Month- 2 YouTube Videos +3 Shorts/Instagram Style Videos
- Video Promotion on Social Media
- $597 Per Month
Gold Package:
- Creation of Professional YouTube Channel as Described Above
- 8 Professionally Optimized Videos Per Month- (3 YouTube Videos+ 5 Shorts/Instagram)
- Video Promotion on Social Media
- $797. Per Month

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment
Frequently Asked Questions
How Does The Process Work Once I Order
How Many Views Will My Videos Get?
How Long Are The Videos?
How Can I Contact You
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